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Classified Defense - AREA 419® Hellfire Muzzle Device Wrench - Install
Classified Defense - AREA 419® Hellfire Muzzle Device Wrench - Install

Classified Defense - AREA 419® Hellfire Muzzle Device Wrench - Install

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Your Price: $35.00
Part Number: CD-T-36
Availability: Out of Stock.
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The goal here at Classified Defense was always to give everyone what they wanted. However, it quickly became evident to us that not everyone wanted the same thing. A lot of our customers wanted a wrench that would fit on the AREA 419® Muzzle device. We are giving you that with this wrench.

We noticed that aside from the above mentioned parameters, we had two opposing views on what material the wrenches should be made from. Some customers wanted a muzzle device wrench that not even the Hulk would be able to break. Other customers want a wrench that allowed them to install muzzle devices without having to worry about leaving behind any marks. This wrench has kept us up long hours trying to find a single solution for both customers. However, simply put, there is nothing that will provide both customers with what they wanted in one wrench. That is why we made the decision to make this wrench in two different versions. 

This version of the AREA 419® Muzzle Device Wrench is our Install Version. Install Version doesn't mean what you think it means. This isn't a throw away wrench! The Install Version simply means that we recommend this wrench for installation of new muzzle devices. Operating within the proper torque specifications for muzzle devices (20-30 FT LB) this wrench will be the only one you'll ever need. It will work for installation and removal of muzzle devices, within the proper torque range, with no issues. The benefit to the Install Version wrench is that in the event that there is some material transfer from the wrench to your muzzle device, it can simply be erased with 0000 steel wool, oil, and a light buffing of the mark. Muzzle devices will look like they were magically installed.

If you have a muzzle device that you're concerned about getting off, or if "my gun is a tool and I treat it like such", then you will want to use our Extreme Duty Version of this wrench.  

  • Manufacturer - Classified Defense
  • Material - .250" Thick 304 Stainless Steel


Classified Defense tools should only be used by a qualified gunsmith. Classified Defense assumes no liability for any damages caused due to misuse of our products.

DISCLAIMER: "AREA 419" is a federally registered trademark of AREA 419. Neither Classified Defense, nor this site is affiliated in any manner with, or otherwise endorsed by AREA 419. The use of "AREA 419" on this website is merely to advertise the sale of tools and/or part used on AREA 419 components.

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