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Primary Weapons Systems® - Ratchet Castle Nut & End Plate
Primary Weapons Systems® - Ratchet Castle Nut & End Plate

Primary Weapons Systems® - Ratchet Castle Nut & End Plate

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Your Price: $40.00
Part Number: 4BTRLPB1
Availability: Out of Stock.
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The Primary Weapons Systems® Ratchet Castle Nut & End Plate is installed on every rifle we use unless the "Clone Correct" theory is involved. Simply put, it won't let you down!

The Ratchet Lock Castle Nut End Plate set works with Mil-Spec or commercial buffer tubes and eliminates the need for staking. A quick upgrade to any rifle build, the Ratchet Lock Castle Nut End Plate features a QD mount and easy installation with any buffer tube.


  • Manufacturer - Primary Weapons Systems®
  • Material - Steel 
  • Finish - Black
  • Weight - 1.17 oz

What's Included

  1. Primary Weapons Systems® Ratchet Castle Nut
  2. Primary Weapons Systems® Ratchet End Plate

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